Lightning Density

One of the key evaluation factors in any risk analysis according to IEC 62305-2 regarding lightning protection is the local density of ground lightning, expressed in ground lightning strikes per km2 per year, which should be determined from measurements using a lightning location system.

Use our search field to quickly and easily find lightning density information for a location. Enter either the exact address, city, area, or postal code. Alternatively, you can also enter the latitude and longitude (e.g., 52.5072 13.4248) with a period as the decimal separator. The address search is conducted using OpenStreetMap.

After entering, a dropdown box will appear with possible matches. Select the correct location if there are multiple options. The selected location will be displayed on the map, and you can adjust the map view as needed. Please note that moving the map does not change the coordinates but is for visualization purposes only.

Below the map, the coordinates chosen for the calculation (latitude and longitude) will be displayed. Here, you have the option to manually adjust them. Next to the coordinates is the "Comment" field, which will be displayed in the search results.